LN-OLO Pick Up With Static Rope (picture)
AW139 Medevac Helicopter approach and landing (Lufttransort AS)
AW139 HEMS LN-OLS take-off from the hospital 21 jun 09
Eurocopter AS.365 N3 Dauphin LN-OLM - HEMS
Eurocopter AS.365 N3 Dauphin LN-OLM landing
Eurocopter AS.365 N3 Dauphin LN-OLM : Take-off and landing
Eurocopter AS365 N3 Dauphin LN-OLM
Eurocopter AS.365 N3 Dauphin LN-OLM Ambulancehelicopter
Eurocopter AS.365 N3 Dauphin - LN-OLM Ambulance helicopter
Bell 212 HEMS LN-OPX Ambulanse - Norway (filmed 1992)
AW139 LN-OLU landing at the hospital in Tromsø
AW139 EMS LN-OLF arrival at UNN Hospital
Eurocopter AS365 N3 Dauphin - LN-OLN
Eurocopter AS.365 N2 Dauphin LN-OPD landing
AW139 Lufttransport Medevac Helicopter LN-OLS landig and take-off
Boeing 737 LN-RPH landing TOS/ENTC